Nadescha Trudel
Fellow, Max Planck UCL Centre, London

Nadescha Trudel is a postdoctoral research fellow with Dr. Tobias Hauser at the Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research. Her research focuses on the neurocomputational mechanisms of decision-making and learning. She combines neuroimaging methods (fMRI and recently MEG), stimulation methods (TMS) and computational models (Bayesian models) to understand better cognitive functions such as information search, metacognition and social interactions. Recently she transitioned into computational psychiatry to focus on the mechanisms underlying symptoms in OCD patients when performing similar cognitive functions.
Before joining the MPC, she completed her PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience under the supervision of Prof. Matthew Rushworth and Dr. Marco Wittmann at Oxford University. Her thesis focused on how uncertainty drives human choices to explore between social and non-social information sources. Before starting her PhD, she acquired a Research Master (RMSc) in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience with specialisation in Neuroeconomics at Maastricht University (Netherlands).