Erika Stewart
Trinity College Dublin, Ryan Lab

Erika Stewart graduated with a B.A. in Neuroscience from Trinity College Dublin in 2019. Her undergraduate research project focused on investigating the impact of inflammatory driven glial metabolites on neuronal integrity and synapse formation. Following this, Erika spent some time working as a research intern in Trinity Biomedical Science Institute (TBSI) before joining the lab of Dr. Lorina Naci in the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN) as a research assistant, working on the PREVENT Dementia Neuroimaging project. In 2020, Erika was awarded an Irish Research Council (IRC) postgraduate scholarship and she joined the lab of Dr. Tomás Ryan. As a PhD student in the Ryan lab, Erika is interested in mechanisms of memory engram plasticity across development and her research focuses on the phenomenon of infantile amnesia. Outside of the lab, she enjoys rock climbing, hiking and travelling.
Ryan Lab