Yee Lee Shing
LISCO Lab, Developmental Psychology, Goethe University Frankfurt

Yee Lee Shing is a Professor of Developmental Psychology at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, where she directs the Lifespan Cognitive and Brain Development (LISCO) lab. She is also a member of the Individual Development and Adaptive Education (IDeA) research centre. She was a predoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development (MPIB) and obtained her doctoral degree in Psychology from the Humboldt University of Berlin in 2008. For several years, she was a postdoctoral researcher and subsequently a project leader at the MPIB. In 2015 she took up a lectureship at the University of Stirling, Scotland. Since 2018 she returned to Germany after accepting her current position at Goethe University Frankfurt. Research in her lab focuses on the development of cognitive and brain functioning across the human lifespan, with an emphasis on long-term memory. Neuroimaging techniques (e.g., structural and functional MRI, EEG) and multivariate developmental methodology (e.g., structural equation and latent growth curve modelling) are used regularly in her experimental and longitudinal studies. Some of the key questions being addressed include: (1) the development of associative and strategic components of memory across the lifespan; (2) the effects of environmental factors such as formal school entry and socioeconomic disadvantages on cognitive and brain development; (3) the mechanisms through which our brain generates predictions with the help of memory; and (4) adaptive learning processes under uncertainties.
Twitter: @YeeLeeShing1
Department website