Julian Q. Kosciessa
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University

Julian Q. Kosciessa is currently a Postdoctoral Radboud Excellence Fellow at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University (Nijmegen, Netherlands), and an alumnus of the IMPRS COMP2PSYCH doctoral programme (2016-2020, Dr. rer. nat., Humboldt University of Berlin), for which dissertation research was carried out within the Lifespan Neural Dynamics Group at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.
His research at the intersection of cognitive, computational and systems neurosciences aims to understand how neural circuit dynamics give rise to the unparalleled robustness and adaptivity of human perception, cognition and action. To this end, he combines experimental tasks with diverse human neuroimaging measurements. Examples of his work include methodological improvements to the characterization of rhythmic and complex neural activity, as well as insights into the circuit mechanisms that support flexible perception and action in uncertain environments. In ongoing work, he leverages non-invasive ultrasound stimulation to elucidate – and manipulate – the functional contributions of the deep brain thalamus to brain-wide dynamics and adaptive computations in humans.
Beyond his substantive interests, he is passionate about advancing reproducible neuroimaging and extending the neuroimaging methods toolbox via scientific software development.