Simon Ciranka
Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for Adaptive Rationality

During his undergrad years, Simon Ciranka studied the psychology of perception and learning in Gießen and Istanbul.
After clinical experience in the Charité university hospitals’ daycare and closed psychiatric unit, he obtained his master’s degree in the cognitive affective neuroscience programme at the TU Dresden.
He then joined the International Max Planck Research School on Computational Methods in Psychiatry and Ageing Research (IMPRS COMP2PSYCH) in late 2017 where he pursued his PhD on computational mechanisms of social influence across adolescence, together with Wouter van den Bos. Since 2021 Simon has been a postdoc with Ralph Hertwig at the Center for Adaptive Rationality. In general, he is interested in how formal modelling of behaviour can help advancing developmental research. He is familiar with hierarchical Bayesian modelling of learning and decision making and adopts methods and computational models from behavioural economics, psychology, and neuroscience in order to better understand the adolescent social decision-making and risk-taking.
Apart from doing research, he is what others would call a foodie and music enthusiast.